Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big things happen on road trips....

For the avid yarn junkie, road trips mean one of two things... You get car sick and have to drive the whole time, or you have someone drivewhile you finish all your projects including the dreaded weaving in of ends. While on a road trip to New York this past weekend, I got to finish projects I've been putting on hold for about a month now..

Jay's Fingerless gloves

So after making the first glove about a month ago, and keep putting the second glove on hold for almost a month, finally got it done while in traffic on our way to New York on Friday. There's Jay modeling the finished product :) yarn used: one 50g skein of Knit Picks in Chimney.
(which are also Twilight other obsession...)

The Jay,RN doll

Also finished the doll made for the MIL of her son as a nurse! =) She loved it!!! Pattern can be found here: Little Nurse Amigurumi Doll
The pattern is for a girl nurse, I improvised the pants (which I don't think I did too good now that I look at it more) and had to add a sthetoscope since Male Nurses don't use caps like the pattern includes.  MIL loved it she kept showing it off to everyone who came into the house. Made me happy since now she can have her baby "boy" with her at all times =)
Made these cute little applique flowers using my left over yarn. My fave if the "Twilight Flower" using my left over KnitPicks yarn. I have more that I've made yesterday which i'll include a picture of later.

But there's one thing that this yarn junkie did not expect... and it started with this book:

He handed me the book and said it was a "special edition"... but BOOYYY I didn't know it would be this special!!! He told me there was a bookmark to a pagnted me to look at.. Being a HUGE twiligh fan, and having read the book series over 9 times in the past 5 years... I figured it was the part where Edward tells Bella she is his life now... So I opened the book and this is what I saw...

AHH!!! it could not have been done a better way!!! Sorry Stephenie Meyer for a completely destroyed book, but it was done for a GREAT cause... So now begins a new chapter in my life.... The engaged chapter... We have decided to wait two years to get married, this gives us enough time to plan and I will have completed Nursing School by then, and hopefully passed my board exam. Here's the blog where I'll be tracking the wedding plans and the ultimate  loss challenge! 30 pounds in two years! It can and will be done!! =)

 Until next time! Happy knitting! Hugs and Stitches!! :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday Morning Funny

I found this picture this morning and couldn't help but giggle. Oh how I wish this were real!!! ha,ha,ha... Enjoy!
Courtesy of: The Panopticon

Monday, August 2, 2010

Simply Elegant Scarf pattern

Here's the pattern for my "Simply Elegant Scarf" feel free enjoy but please link me back.

R1: DC in 5th ch from hook, *ch1, sk1 chain, DC in next chain* repeat until the end of row. Chain 4 turn
Continue until piece measures desired length and close off. 

You can even increase the number of ch in the beginning by increments of 30 in order to make it wider and can be made into a wrap or poncho. I'm working on a matching hat, so keep an eye out for that!

Time to catch up!

I've been MIA. I aplogize. I've been super busy with preparations for school and sneaking in my final projects bfore school starts on August 30. I have 28 days to complete the following:
[ ] 2nd glove for my boyfriend (50%) [knit]
[ ] baby alpaca hat to match scarf made earlier this year (70%) [knit]
[ ] JJ's green mittens and I-cord connector [knit]
[ ] Hat, Mittens, Scarf matching set for an order [knit]
[ ] Scarf and Hat in beige (20%) [crocheted]

WHEW! nice long list, not to mention all my weaving in and sewing together projects that need to be completed for entry for the fair...

I've been busy making:


not to mention i've been baking again! I have missed it!!
Be sure to check out my BFF's blog: MollyDobbins Blog